
地域住民による防災・減災活動地域における防災・減災の取り組みを促進し、自主防災組織の育成強化や地域での防災訓練の支援に努めています。 広域連携による 災害時相互応援協定の締結大規模災害時の応急・復旧対策として、岡山県高梁市や青森県五所川原市など他の自治体との広域連携による相互応援を行っています。亀山市のまちづくり 全国的に災害の脅威が増す中、被害の軽減のため、自助・共助・公助による防災・減災の取り組みが不可欠となっています。 このような中、亀山消防署北東分署を開署し、消防・救急体制の充実を図るほか、地域防災の中核を担う消防団の充実に取り組んでいます。また、自主防災組織の育成、住宅・建築物の耐震化の促進、ハザードマップの作成、避難行動要支援者の支援体制の整備などを進めています。 このほか、防犯対策や交通安全対策の実施、消費生活の安定・向上に取り組み、安心・安全なまちづくりを進めています。災害に強いまちづくりまちの未来を創る創る創る1安心・安全Eorts to Make Our City More Disaster-ResistantNowadays, natural disasters are becoming more common and violent throughout Japan. Therefore, it is now absolutely necessary to take measures for disaster prevention and mitigation by self-help as well as mutual and public help so that we can reduce damage from such disasters.In reality, we try hard to enhance our fire and emergency services through the establishment of a new branch re station, namely the Hokuto Branch of Kameyama Fire Station, as well as our support for volunteer re companies who play a major role in local disaster prevention. At the same time, we also foster volunteer disaster-prevention organizations, promote earthquake safety for buildings including residential houses, create hazard maps, and improve our support system for those who require disaster evacuation assistance.In addition, we also make continuous efforts to enhance the safety and security in our city by implementing anti-crime and traffic safety measures as well as stabilizing and improving consumers’ daily lives.21音声を聞く

元のページ  ../index.html#22
